Multinational Monitor

MAR 2003
VOL 24 No. 3


The Medical Malpractice Insurance Crisis Hoax
by Jamie Court

De-Globalizing Justice: The Corporate Campaign to Strip Foreign Victims of Corporate-Induced Human Rights Violations of the Right to Sue in U.S. Courts
by Kenny Bruno

Corporate Astroturf and Civil Justice: The Corporations Behind "Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse"
by Carl Deal and Joanne Doroshow


Justice for the Injured: Defending the Civil Justice System from the Corporate "Tort Deform" Movement
an interview with Joanne Doroshow


Letters to the Editor

Behind the Lines

Buying the Judiciary

The Front
Canadians Come Clean - Phone Booth Revolving Door

The Lawrence Summers Memorial Award

Clear Channel: United We Stand

Names In the News


Letters to the Editor

I have been encouraging people to order Nader's publications because they stick to important issues -- hard news.

I was appalled to see a small article in "Behind the Lines," [December 2002] on handicapped access to movie theaters, and a much bigger article called "Caviar in Crisis."

What could you write about instead? How about reviewing issues like the campaign finance law? It was recently challenged in district court. The law is not even as strong as it should be due to a serious Section 527 loophole. If the courts uphold the law's opponents' sophistry that the law violates their free speech, it will be impossible for anyone to get campaign donations totally abolished, which is what really needs to be done. There is almost nothing in the news about this issue. A lot of people don't know about it.

Please stick to the issues and remind people what is really important.

- Irene Boone
Minneapolis, Minnesota

This letter is in response to two letters in January/February 2003 issue that took umbrage with your citing the Caterpillar as one of the 10 worst companies of 2002. I also have subscribed to your magazine for many years and rely on it for accurate and indispensable information regarding corporate crime, fraud and abuse. However, the letters published took the opportunity to gloss over the well-documented crimes of various Israeli governments toward the indigenous Palestinian population. Organizations like, B'Tselem, Israeli Human Rights Organization in the Occupied Territories and Gush Shalom within Israel, and other Jewish American organizations are now increasing. They successfully counter the misrepresentations, oversimplifications and fabrications that unfortunately have been the bulk of information we receive in the United States from various Israeli governments.

Data from B'Tselem has clearly shown the death and destruction rained upon Palestinians. From September 29, 2000 to February 18, 2003, 1,853 Palestinians were killed in the Occupied Territories (including East Jerusalem) and within the Green Line. During the same period, 676 Israelis were killed.

Human Rights Watch's research demonstrated that during their incursion into the Jenin refugee camp, Israeli forces committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, some considered prima facie war crimes. Caterpillar equipment figured prominently in the destruction.

Regarding CAMERA, consider that CAMERA is a fringe U.S. Jewish organization that blindly supports any policy or action taken by the Israeli government. Even the Israeli press does not take their assertions seriously. Multinational Monitor was correct to include Caterpillar's complicity in aiding the policies of the Israeli government that continues its brutal occupation of Arab land. This policy will also continue to place innocent Israelis in jeopardy.

- Bruce T. Boccardy


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