The Multinational Monitor

MAY 1991 - VOLUME 12 - NUMBER 5


To the editor

I quit subscribing because you shook me up too much. But your generous offer snares me, and at 84 I think "What difference does it make if I am a little more shook up?"


To the editor

The purpose of this letter is to thank you for the excellent article pertaining to Estes Industries and our Patriot model rocket in the March 1991 issue of the Multinational Monitor.

I thoroughly enjoyed receiving a copy of the magazine containing the article. I found the magazine to be exceedingly well written and very interesting.

Again thank you for your interest in Estes Industries and flying model rockets.

Mary Roberts
Marketing Manager
Estes Industries

To the editor:

What timing! First I receive the issue of Multinational Monitor with the article in Corporate Profiles about Northrop. Then I receive an order of books that included Jack Northrop and The Flying Wing, written by Ted Coleman. Ted was associated with Northrop for almost 50 years: he served the company as Chairman of Northrop Aircraft Inc. Anyone that close will cast a prejudiced opinion, but certain facts remain.

The Flying Wing XB-35 (and later with jet engines the YB-49) was a better plane in all ways than the B36 that got the contract, while all the B-49s were destroyed. It flew higher, farther and with more bomb load and less maintenance. At two thirds the cost!

In the United States, it isn't the best that rises to the top. It is the cancer that causes corruptness down the line. It starts at the top. Be honest about this. Our own government made Northrop bad. It had to or cease to exist.

If Northrop had not joined the people in charge, it would have died. To survive it had to become one of the boys.

The country must hold everyone accountable for their actions-- not just a few--no matter who they are. People from other countries cannot understand why Reagan isn't in jail after the Iran-Contra affair. Neither can I! Why Nixon didn't have the same fate. Why Bush's son only received a slap on the wrist. I wonder what his fate would have been if he had been your or my son? If we are to clean up our act, we must start at the top.

Don't give up, maybe someday we will get to the root of our problems. But, who will be allowed, or be strong enough, to tell the truth to us? A few rotten apples can spoil the barrel, especially if they are the biggest ones.

Blew Warren, PA

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